Monique 100 Rose stem Giant Bouquet


100 pcs long stem local roses bundled in a large bouquet elegantly wrapped to send sparkles to the any receiver. One of our original arrangement, this fresh flower bouquet is ready for delivery . Celebrate special occasions and order flower online from the best flower delivery service in the Philippines. 

Note:International delivery is currently unavailable EXCEPT FOR BULACAN, LAGUNA, BATANGAS AND CAVITE AREAS. Please message us on our FB Page for more inquiries.
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Try our Le Fleur Lumiere

₱ 900.00 ₱ 1500.00 ₱ 2000.00 ₱ 2500.00

How to Order

Offering you a whole new way of ordering flowers online, the best flowers shop in Metro Manila gives you ways to personalize your fresh bouquets for delivery from the vast list of online flower choices and elegant bouquets.

1. Choose your Bouquet

2. costumize your bouquet

3. check shopping cart

4. answer delivery form


6. send picture of payment via email

If you have any questions? Please feel free to message us.